Hanoians brave cold and rain to “Ride for the Bears” Hanoians brave cold and rain to “Ride for the Bears” Hanoians brave cold and rain to “Ride for the Bears” ...
Spot the Scam: How social media profits from animal cruelty in fake rescue videos A new report shines a light on the growing trend of fake rescue videos, where animals are drugged, abandoned, buried ...
Animals in Asia are among the most abused in the world. From bears captured and caged for their 'bile', to dogs and cats slaughtered in horrific ways for their meat, exploitation of animals in Asia is ...
The focus of our Bear Bile Farming programme is to rescue bears from the bear bile industry, provide life-long care for rescued bears at our award-winning sanctuaries in China and Vietnam, and work ...
Commercial 'bear bile farming' began in China in the 1980's. It is a cruel farming system designed to extract bile from the gallbladders of living bears. Previous to this, bears were hunted in the ...
We monitor the changing trends in the trade of bear bile and parts, keeping track of the producers, sellers and end consumers of bear products and working to maintain up-to-date intelligence on the ...
亚洲动物基金猫狗福利项目在全国各地的支持者帮助下广泛展开。为了使这些项目开展得更有效和更广泛,我们很欢迎全国各地有志于帮助动物们,同时也乐于参与公益活动的朋友,报名担任亚洲动物基金志愿者。 在广州、成都、南宁、深圳四地居住的志愿者将 ...
Animals in Asia’s zoos and safari parks suffer a range of abuses. Captive wild animals are often cruelly mutilated with their teeth and claws cut back. They may also be chained and used as ...
Animals Asia has learned that the Can Gio Bioreserve, a UNESCO-accredited national park in Vietnam, continues to force monkeys to ride bikes and dogs to jump through flaming hoops despite being asked ...
We promote humane population management and disease-control measures by running symposiums and providing funds and training for TNR programmes for street cats. We sponsor officials and animal welfare ...