Munching their way through green spaces in urban environments, sheep and goats are becoming a trendy sight in cities.
而且博格并非唯一一位行为不端的高管。有报道称,有一位有腐败罪行记录的管理人员似乎与王储建立了联系,这让他逃脱了一系列不当行为指控,包括在城市建设期间与一位施工经理发生肢体冲突。据称该公司还雇佣了因侵吞公款被调查的高管和“动辄斥责和贬低员工”的首席执行 ...
CHENNAI: The Municipal Administration Department has proposed the merger of several rural and urban local bodies with larger ...
FOR Dzulkarnain Ariffin, his 36-year-old walk-up flat, Apartment Taman Sri Endah in Kuala Lumpur, is the culmination of years of hard work and sacrifice. Read full story ...
风铃绿地及景观亭的重建修复为孩童开辟了一片崭新的游乐天地。苏州河曾是列强建立工厂、运送资本和廉价劳动力的黄金水道,为了纪念苏州河的这段历史,BAU在儿童游乐场的设计选材中,将废弃货船上的救生艇、系船柱以及部分船壳加工定制成游乐设施,打造出一个集历史教 ...
Nordic community builder Peab has been awarded a contract valued at Skr109m ($10.81m) to construct a new mobility building in ...
温哥华港(Port of Vancouver)是加拿大最大的港口,也是北美洲最繁忙的港口之一。这个港口不仅是加拿大西海岸的商业和贸易中心,也是游客探索温哥华及其周边自然景观的绝佳起点。温哥华港地处美丽的温哥华市中心,与城市的主要景点和自然风光紧密相连 ...
Themed "The Greater Bay Area New Horizons: Together for High-level Reform and Openness,” the 3rd China (Macao) High-Quality ...
SHEBOYGAN – Sheboygan Area School District will host two information sessions about middle school rebuilds ahead of a fall ...
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) embodies the cultural spirit of Lingnan. Guangdong, as a region that ...
The "Super Expo on Asia Building System Solutions" involving the entire construction industry chain is estimated to be ...