More recently, seals face a new threat in the form of habitat loss as a result of climate change, a seal fact that requires human intervention. Arctic-dwelling bearded and ringed seals are listed ...
The large northern fur seal, found in chilly northern waters, was hunted to near extinction during the 19th century. These animals were protected by law in 1911, and populations later rebounded to ...
今年的保护臭氧层国际日(9月16日),我们不仅要庆祝迄今为止取得的成果,还要展望未来,并在《蒙特利尔议定书》的框架下采取更加深入和迅速 ...
WASHINGTON— The National Marine Fisheries Service announced two proposed rules today to designate critical habitat protections for Arctic ice seals in Alaska. The new rules for ringed seals and ...
When the new Armstrong Student Center opened in 2014, one of its breathtaking focal points was The Great Seal, a 3-D version of the university seal, created with real objects and containing students' ...
Israel and the entire civilized world are saved from the awful consequences of an American bid to appease evil in the name of ...
Inspire action and engage audiences on UN priority issues by connecting with the public in their local language. Whether on social media, websites, printed information or radio programmes, customized ...
It said plans to build 100 hectares of new estuarine and coastal habitat at Little Oakley would alleviate concerns. But diver Neil Marples said seal pups could be abandoned amid disturbances.
在过去30年里,人类释放到大气中的各种化合物已引起许多环境和健康问题。一些化合物如含氟氯化碳气体(CFCs)等被随意生产并通过各种设备和 ...
WASHINGTON— Following a legal victory by the Center for Biological Diversity, the National Marine Fisheries Service announced two final rules today to protect critical habitat for bearded seals and ...
A harbor seal in the Pacific Northwest on Friday found itself in the mouth of a humpback whale and in desperate need of an exit strategy. The image atop this post, captured by Tim Filipovic of ...