Monkeys that received metformin daily showed slower age-associated brain decline than did those not given the drug.
Metformin is the main first-line drug used to treat type 2 diabetes, but a new study on monkeys suggests it could one day be ...
Correspondence from Bono East Region The story of monkeys living with the inhabitants of two twin communities in the Nkoranza ...
Scientists have long been interested in metformin, a widely prescribed drug used to treat Type 2 diabetes, for its potential ...
Monkeys’ attack on human and bite incidents have registered an alarming spike of 95 percent in current summer season in ...
One of the rarest varieties of coffee in the world is made with the help of our primate relatives. Here's what to know about ...
The high rate of deforestation in the park, which is endangering both the fauna and flora, is leading to climate-related ...
You can’t act to stop a genocide because you can’t use the word ‘genocide’ until the entire community has been wiped out ...
The study, titled ‘Metformin decelerates aging clock in male monkeys’, was published in journal Cell on September 12.
The scientists have said much more research would be required before metformin can be approved as an anti-ageing compound in ...
Alex Turner always had a keen eye for witty lyrics, but sometimes it takes a bunch of gibberish to create an Arctic Monkeys ...
Thirteen monkeys were rescued from a smuggling gang in Nakhon Sawan and released back into the wild on Friday. On Sept 15, patrol police were informed of the smuggling by Chan Rattanawan ...