安装 V2ex 大佬开发的自定义右键菜单应用:Custom Context Menu - Microsoft Store Apps或 Custom Context Menu - Microsoft Store Apps New 用和安装同样的方式,运行仓库中的 unistall.ps1 脚本来删除右键菜单中的 在此处打开 Windows Terminal 项。 注意 安装步骤中的一键安装命令需要从 ...
COOH-PEG-Alkyne,也被称为羧基聚乙二醇炔基或Alkyne-PEG-COOH,是一种重要的功能性PEG衍生物,在生物学、化学和医学研究中具有广泛的应用。其独特的分子结构由炔基(Alkyne)、聚乙二醇(PEG)和羧基(COOH)三部分组成,赋予了它优异的化学和生物特性。 一、分子 ...
Cyanine 7 alkyne,即Cy7炔烃衍生物,是Cy7染料的一种功能化形式,其分子中引入了炔烃基团(通常表示为-C≡C-)。这种功能化使得Cy7 alkyne能够通过点击化学反应(如铜催化的叠氮-炔烃环加成反应,CuAAC)与其他含有叠氮基团的分子进行高效连接,从而便于在生物 ...
该反应的机理尚不明确,但有的研究认为它涉及到钯循环和铜循环 [6] 。 不活泼的钯(II) 催化剂在鹼性條件下被还原为钯(0) 化合物。 活化的钯催化剂为 14 电子化合物 ,Pd 0 L 2 ,它可以和芳基或烯基卤化物发生氧化加成反应,生成钯(II) 錯合物中间体。这一步被 ...
Today, examples of processes catalysed by uranium complexes include the hydrogenation of alkenes and the oligomerization, dimerization, hydrosilation and hydroamination of terminal alkynes.
With the rise of insecticide resistance, researchers crafted a novel probe that selectively targets mosquito larvae’s weak ...
Research in the Neely group focuses on the fundamental chemistry of first-row transition metal catalysis. This work relies on insights from inorganic, organometallic, and organic chemistry to ...
Terminal value (TV) is the value of an asset, business, or project beyond the forecasted period when future cash flows can be estimated. It assumes that a business will grow at a set growth rate ...
Raman Microscope,Raman Spectroscopy,Raman Imaging,Alkyne Tag,Artificial Membrane,Beam Splitter,Bioactive Small Molecules,CCD Camera,Cell Nuclei,Chemical Structure,Cytochrome C,DNA Synthesis ...
Please note: If you switch to a different device, you may be asked to login again with only your ACS ID. Please note: If you switch to a different device, you may be ...