In some cases, the species are entirely dependent on each other (obligate mutualism) and in others, they derive benefits from their relationship but could survive without each other (facultative ...
In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, you'll find these birds constantly ... unexpected mutualistic relationship than that. These species of spider and frog have been found in the same area ...
For example, specialist species like koalas only eat eucalyptus leaves, Kamehameha caterpillars rely on mamaki, and our iconic silverswords are found only in high-elevation alpine environments in ...
Many zoologists and wildlife biologists are identified by the types of species they study. The following are examples of those who specialize by species: Some wildlife biologists study animals by ...
1993). There are a number of other well-described examples where keystone species act as determinate predators. Sea otters (i) regulate sea urchin populations, which in turn feed upon kelp and ...
This is known as the biological species concept. This species definition divides up animals, plants and other forms of life into groups based on their reproduction. For example, deer species such as ...
As a team of marine biologists, assessing the health of thousands of square meters of coral reef can be a daunting prospect.
Aside from two waterfleas, the invasive species living in Lake Erie are very similar to those taking over the rest of the ...
Scientists have classified orcas as “data deficient” on conservation lists. These are the questions that keep them up at ...
At one time, a specialist was the term used by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) to refer to a member of the exchange who acted as the market maker to facilitate the trading of a given stock.
While foragers in Washington state are normally prohibited from taking more than 20% to 30% of whatever they find, those ...