在流失大量马来票、输掉能吉里补选后,国盟露出焦虑的心态,所以才藉故歪曲。他们担忧伊党的光环已经因为各种负面事件而消退。国盟想借清真认证风波博取在马哥打补选爆冷胜出的盘算落空了,因为国阵主席阿末扎希成功灭火,使之不会冲击华裔选民的投票率,也不会引起马来 ...
近日,黎巴嫩与以色列的武装冲突升级,中东地区战争警报再次拉响。汉莎和法航等欧洲航空公司近日纷纷宣布暂停飞往以色列特拉维夫、伊朗德黑兰、黎巴嫩贝鲁特等中东热点城市的航班。已于 7 月底暂停部分中东航班的瑞安、易捷、达美、美联航等至今仍未恢复。 美国驻黎巴嫩大使馆将其旅行警告更新为 4 级,敦促所有美国公民通过现有商业航班离开黎巴嫩。报道称,美国国务院警告说,从黎巴嫩起飞的商业航班数量已经减少,如果安 ...
I'll read every word that you send me on Thursday night -- one final reminder, in case you missed the first two newsletters ...
The full Harvest Moon rises over Michigan's sky Sept. 17. Here's how to view the supermoon and partial eclipse.
It was on this day in 1975 that the Australian flag was lowered at Hubert Murray Stadium in Port Moresby marking the end of ...
Marvel fans left ‘cackling’ over ‘unexpected’ detail in Thunderbolts trailer - ‘I’m sorry, but that’s hilarious,’ one ...
# In what have been described as his most hawkish comments ever, Russian leader Vladimir Putin has strongly warned both the US and UK as suppliers of long-range missiles that NATO would be considered ...
Of all the schisms that cleave contemporary America, few are more stark than the divide between those who consider themselves to be victims of US history and those who fear they will be casualties of ...