在美国的幼儿园和学校里,孩子们从三岁起,就开始接受自然拼读法的教育了,这种方法是美国孩子学习自己母语的方法。 这和我们理解的单词是由字母组成的完全不同,在单词和字母之间多了一个“音”,正是这个多出来的音,让老外具备了见到生词会读、听到读音会写的能力。
The “science of reading” is a body of knowledge referring to how students learn to sound out words, learn vocabulary, and ...
After M-STEP results showed poor proficiency in third grade reading last year, legislators approved bills that would change ...
There are varying opinions on how that can be achieved and what curriculums and trainings do it well. Many science of reading movement supporters call for more explicit instruction on foundational ...
Wordle is released at midnight in your time zone. In order to accommodate all time zones, there will be two Wordle Reviews ...
The Soul Urge Number in numerology uncovers inner desires and motivations by analyzing the vowels in one's full birth name.
随着新学期到来,近日,重庆各中小学的选修课线上开“抢”。魔力phonics、“笑”看英文电影、世界综艺鉴赏、二次元动漫原画……学校纷纷开设了门类丰富的选修课,助力学生个性化成长,选课采取先到先得模式,热度高的选修课常常“一课难求”。一起来看看有哪些有 ...
Children's literacy rates are falling around the globe. In response, a number of governments, including New Zealand's, are ...
随着新学期到来,近日,重庆各中小学的选修课线上开“抢”。魔力phonics、“笑”看英文电影、世界综艺鉴赏、二次元动漫原画……学校纷纷开设了门类丰富的选修课,助力学生个性化成长,选课采取先到先得模式,热度高的选修课常常“一课难求”。一起来看看有哪些有 ...
Education Minister Erica Stanford announced the trial of Hihira Weteoro, the country's first-ever te reo Māori phonics check, ...