Every single new car sold in the UK is likely to be a zero-emissions vehicle by 2050, according to the latest agreement signed by the Government. The UK was among the 13 international members of ...
Technologies such as autonomous driving, nanotech screens and augmented reality are poised to reshape the cars we drive ... brands will begin to create new product-defining virtual experiences ...
一博主发文最近一次打WaymoRobotaxi体验,埃隆马斯克回应:贵且慢;距离Robotaxi发布还有不到3天时间,而被称为特斯拉全厂的希望之一,已经把预期推到了极点。Waymo在八月已经完成每周10万次打车订单的里程碑,特斯拉CyberCab能否 ...
Check out detailed Hyundai Santa Fe 2050 image gallery of this popular offering by Hyundai car here. Various detailed aspects of the car, including its features, powertrain, and underpinnings can ...
报告称,世界总人口目前约为73亿,这一数字到2030年预计将增加到85亿,到2050年升至97亿,并在2100年达到112亿,其中超过一半的人口增长将主要集中 ...
Airbus just showed off their concept plane for the year 2050 -- the generation after the ... or at least they anticipate competition from the flying car.) There are still, however, several zones ...
根据最新数据,当今世界一半多的人口、相当于39亿人居住在城镇地区;到2050年,城镇人口将再增加25亿,而且绝大部分增加的城镇人口将集中在 ...
新华社伦敦9月17日电(记者郭爽)一个国际研究团队近日在英国学术期刊《柳叶刀》上发表论文说,2025年至2050年间,全球预计将有超过3900万人死于抗生素耐药性。研究人员17日接受新华社记者采访时指出,抗生素耐药性已成为全球公共卫生的重大挑战,必须 ...
Information about your activity on this service, such as your interaction with ads or content, can be very helpful to improve products and services and to build new products and services based on ...
8月发布的一份报告警告,如果不加以制止这个问题,到了2050年,抗生素耐药性可能导致医疗费用额外增加约1万亿美元(约1.3万亿新元),全球国内生产总值(GDP)蒙受3.8%损失。 研究的另一共同第一作者、IHME附属教授沃尔赛特说:“我们迫切需要新的策略 ...
预计到2050年前后,我国60岁及以上人口将达到4.8亿人 ... 曹丰还介绍了包括注射抗衰老疫苗、CAR-T治疗在内的前沿抗衰老策略。