A Papua New Guinean minister deals scathing criticisms of Australia’s aid program valued at more than $600 million this year.
Papua New Guinea is not often spoken about as a premier mining jurisdiction, but with a swathe of majors active in the region ...
There's reports that the federal government has made an in principal agreement that PNG will enter the NRL in 2028 ...
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The IPO will list on September 17, and will be competing against giants such as Titan Company, Kalyan Jewellers, PC Jewellers ...
South Pacific nations are backing the Papua New Guinea NRL bid as they eye their own aspirations to compete in elite sporting ...
PORT MORESBY, Sept 16, 2024 (BSS/AFP) - Shootouts between hundreds of tribal warriors have left at least 30 people dead in ...
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Pope Francis has called for better treatment of workers in Papua New Guinea, a nation of some 600 islands in the southwest ...