An NMR tube is a thin glass walled tube used to contain samples in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Typically NMR tubes come in 5 mm diameters but can also range from 10 mm to 3 mm samples. It ...
Only items directly installed above the magnet or in the path of the quench gas are susceptible to freezing. Never put any object into the magnet except the NMR tube and spinner. No magnetic stirrer.
Due to its proximity to the sample, the inner coil offers higher sensitivity, which helps in detecting weak signals. Probes are also designed to accommodate NMR tubes of various sizes. The size of the ...
Add 700 ul of the filtered solution to a clean 5 mm NMR tube, and cap and label the tube. For the liquid samples, use about 700 ul spiked with 1-2 % TMS. As a general guide, a sample concentration of ...
The following guidelines will help with preparing 1.7mm tubes. Left to right: 600μl in a 5mm tube. 200μl in a 3mm tube, 3mm shigemi tube with 70μl and 30μl in a 1.7mm tube. 1 pence piece to scale ...
All samples submitted for service must be accompanied by a completed submission form. The majority of users of the NMR 3 facility receive training and use the spectrometers independently. However, ...
Structure determination by NMR typically requires a protein concentration of 0.5 mM or greater, stable for several days at the desired temperature, usually 20-40 o C. Proteins and peptides should be ...
NMR measurements do not impact the sample; therefore samples can be retained for repeat measurements or to be tested using other methods. Grinding or other types of sample preparation are seldom ...
The Spinsolve uses standard 5 mm OD NMR test tubes, exactly the same as high field instruments, so sample handling is familiar and convenient. The instrument can be deployed in the lab where you ...
Save time and increase throughput by automating data acquisition for multiple samples and NMR-active nuclei. Users can work smarter by integrating the X-Auto NMR autosampler with the X-Pulse broadband ...
When not in use, it can be set to a power-saver mode. The Nanalysis 60PRO benchtop NMR can be used with standard 5mm NMR tubes and standard NMR sample volumes. In addition, the permanent magnet ...