The ancient Egyptians are well-known for their achievements in various fields and the latest discovery reinforces their status as pioneers in the study of the cosmos. The observatory believed to ...
Examination of a mummy has revealed the original ancient Egyptian embalming recipe - first used to preserve bodies. A battery of forensic chemical tests carried out on a mummy that dated from ...
The study of celestial objects ran throughout ancient Egyptian culture. Religious events were fixed by the movements of the sun and moon, star charts were carved into the lids of tombs ...
The ancient Egyptians invented one of the earliest known writing systems used from around 3000 BC. The symbols they used were called hieroglyphs, which comes from a Greek word meaning ...
Using water, ancient grains and sterilised containers, he cultivated the starter for a week. In order to get as close as possible to what the Egyptians would have recognised as bread, Mr Blackley ...
The Ancient Egyptians used to look up at the night sky when they needed advice and guidance. They believed that the stars we were born under influenced our personalities, lives, and our fate.
The Hidden Role of the Milky Way in Ancient Egyptian Mythology Apr. 10, 2024 — Astrophysicists shed light on the relationship between the Milky Way and the Egyptian sky-goddess Nut. The paper ...
Ancient Egypt (3300BC to 525BC) is where we first see the dawn of what, today, we call "medical care". The Egyptian civilization was the first great civilization on this planet. Egyptians thought ...
Between 1550 and 30 B.C., many ancient Egyptian paintings and sculptures depicted men and women wearing small, conical adornments on top of their heads. The type of activities people did while ...
Archaeologists have unearthed the ancient remains of an Egyptian army barracks and the artifacts left there, including a still-shiny bronze sword engraved with the name of King Ramses II in ...