一款向永恒致敬的经典300 SL的现代版本。一款永远不会被遗忘的AMG。梅赛德斯SLS ...
At first the SLS feels absolutely massive ... The next chapter in McLaren’s Ultimate Series has arrived to challenge Ferrari’s forthcoming new hypercar ...
This is a video of Top Gear's Stig lapping the Dunsfold test track in a Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Black Series. But even for the talented video crews at TG, this isn't everyday fare. A 360-degree ...
如果你是一个喜欢极速和激情的车迷,那么奔驰SLS级MG是你不能错过的一款车。 问奔驰SLS级AMG测评 答奔驰slsamg搭载6.2LV8发动机,发动机型号为159980,进气方式为自然吸气。 奔驰slsamg匹配7速双离合变速箱,最大输出功率420 kW,最大扭矩650 N/m,百公里加速时间3.8秒 ...
Mercedes-Benz kept the SLR McLaren around for a solid eight years. The SLS AMG hasn't even been around for five, but already Benz is preparing to roll out its next sports car. We've been ...
is the very first day that anyone outside of Mercedes and AMG officially gets to drive the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG. It’s a good day. Because of deadlines being the irritatingly inconvenient things ...
So, is this McLaren 750S the best of the current supercar bunch? Let's find out. It doesn't feel like that long ago I spent a day with the brand spanking new Mercedes-AMG GLC 63 S when it first ...
在赛道中,对于动力输出、传动系统的效率以及稳定性,A 45 S都有着非常出色的表现,只是四驱有时候会自作主张帮倒忙,需要一些时间去摸清它的 ...
This new track has 19 turns and covers 1.7 miles, making it a challenging track for cars and drivers, including this amazing ...
Since 2006, one short year after Mercedes-Benz wholly absorbed once-independent tuner Aufrech, Melcher, and Großaspach, the ...
答奔驰c级amg当然可以下,具体情况如下:奔驰C63AMG旅行版曾作为F1医疗车,发动机将搭载2LV8引擎,最大功率可达336千瓦,最大扭矩为600牛。米。总的来说,奔驰C级AMG的外观和内饰造型都非常符合这款车的定位,并且把优雅和豪华结合得非常巧妙。后来慢慢变成 ...