Laurasia, the northern half, broke up into North America and Eurasia. Gondwana, the southern half, began to break up by the mid-Jurassic. The eastern portion—Antarctica, Madagascar, India ...
By the end of the period 199 million years ago, tectonic forces had slowly begun to split the supercontinent in two: Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south. The giant ocean called ...
After years of debate many lines of evidence now favor the idea that the present continents were once assembled into two great land masses: Gondwanaland in the south, Laurasia in the north ...
By the late Devonian, the continents were joined into Pangea, and remained together for about 200 my. Began to break up during the Jurassic, split into Laurasia and Gondwanaland. Cretaceous - ...
When the forces of Emperor Garuda take over the sprawling city of Laurasia, it's up to the ninja duo of Hayate and Kaede to bring him down. They'll wield arcane powers and more conventional ...
Columnar basalts are formed when a large lake of lava cools slowly and evenly, shrinking to create hexagonal-shaped columns. The lavas of the Giant’s Causeway formed when the ancient continent of ...
During the Jurassic Period, the single land mass, Pangaea, split into two, creating Laurasia in the north and Gondwana in the south. Despite this separation, similarities in their fossil records show ...
A new species of sauropod dinosaur, Qunkasaura pintiquiniestra, has been discovered in Cuenca, Spain, thanks to ongoing research by Portuguese paleontologist Pedro Mocho and his team at the Instituto ...
The study identifies Qunkasaura as a representative of the opisthocoelicaudine saltasaurids, a group present in the northern hemisphere (Laurasia). On the other hand, most Late Cretaceous ...
Gondwana formed when Earth's ancient supercontinent, Pangea, split into two fragments. Laurasia in the north became Europe, Asia, and North America. Gondwana in the south dispersed to form modern ...