Africa is the second-largest continent on Earth, encompassing an extensive range of ecosystems. As such, Africa provides ...
The genus name is that of the Greek god Adonis ... orange, yellow, and white. A member of the Iridaceae (iris) plant family, Dietes bicolor is an evergreen, rhizomatic, perennial, flowering plant ...
Referring again to Figure 5, the ellipses have been drawn so as to encompass ongoing taxonomic and phylogenetic debates relevant to each genus. As an heuristic device, then, the regions where ...
It is much smaller than the American robin, Turdus migratorius, which belongs to a different genus. The grouping of families was added to allow the large number of new species to be included in ...
MONICA SERRANO, NGM STAFF. SOURCE: DAVID KARP, University of California, Riverside No other fruit genus can boast such pedigree, and new research is bringing clarity to the origin of citrus.
Scientists think that some form of australopithecine is likely to have given rise to the next phase of human evolution, the genus Homo. There have been many species similar to us that have lived over ...