A particularly noteworthy example is your statement that my “critique of postmodernism is used to sanction an uncritical defense of the Enlightenment.” The passage in my first lecture to which ...
Those peoples who migrated eastward and either settled in Attica, or sailed across to the coasts of Asia Minor to found new colonies, became known as the Ionian Greeks. Although the Ionians ...
The term "Enlightenment," rooted in an intellectual skepticism to traditional beliefs and dogmas, denotes an "illumined" contrast to the supposed dark and superstitious character of the Middle Ages.
How did the research universities of the Enlightenment come into being? And what debt do they owe to scholars of the previous era? Focusing on the career of German polymath Johann Daniel Major ...
Cotton, James 2018. Sir Alfred Zimmern lectures Australia, 1938: a utopian on Munich?. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 31, Issue. 6, p. 494.
Spanning a period of 20 years, this is a story about love, friendship and faith, and what happens when these things are challenged. And it is also about astronomy.
Siddhartha was born on the border between India and Nepal. He was born into a privileged family, who were considered a ruling family. Birth - Buddhist teachings say that his mother, Queen Maya ...
Thunderstorms are forecast across the Mediterranean from Corfu to Sicily, where a luxury yacht sank off the coast on Monday after being struck by a waterspout, a form of tornado. Orange storms ...