Teachers' Day is a day to recognize and thank teachers for their hard work throughout the year. In China, this holiday falls ...
邵武市实验幼儿园开展主题为“大力弘扬教育家精神 加快建设教育强国”的教师节庆祝活动。活动中教师们分发《致全市教师及教育工作者的一封信》,行政班子为教师们送上节日的鲜花。
Teachers' Day, celebrated on September 5 in India, honours Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, a distinguished teacher and scholar.
Wishes: Teachers Day in India is celebrated on September 5th, marking the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
Teachers' Day is celebrated annually on September 5 across India, commemorating the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli ...
“青蓝携手续薪火,亦师亦友启新程”,张村河小学开展青蓝工程师徒结对活动。教师们用心制作“束脩六礼”,体现对师父们的尊敬和感激。他们将怀揣着对教育的期待和热忱,将诚心、细心、耐心的学习态度,勤学、勤问、勤行动的学习方法代代相传,真正实现了“青出于蓝,而 ...
Teacher’ Day celebrates and honours all the educators of our lives who have taught us the meaning of life. Celebrated every year on the birth annivers ...
“There’s a Chinese saying that goes, ‘’, and it speaks volumes about the lasting impact teachers have on their students. As a ...
——致全市广大教师和教育工作者的一封信 全市广大教师和教育工作者: “三寸粉笔,三尺讲台系国运;一颗丹心,一生秉烛铸民魂。”值此第40个教师节来临之际,中共怀化市委、怀化市人民政府谨向你们致以节日的祝贺和崇高的敬意!你们长期奋斗在教育战线上,忠于职守 ...
Like every year, this year too, schools, colleges, universities, and all educational institutes will celebrate Teachers’ Day ...