The digital economy requires more technical infrastructure, which in turn leads to greater environmental impact.
You are advised to store only what you need to keep. The sections below contain suggestions and advice on storing your data, including types of University data storage (University login required). If ...
The storage industry has always been characterized by innovation, with storage engineers continually introducing new hardware and software aimed at solving a new storage, data protection, or data ...
These 10 data storage startups are tackling disaster recovery and archiving, data protection, and high-speed and secure file sharing -- and even cutting the cost and upping the performance of ...
These memory technologies enhance performance and efficiency, ensuring high-speed data access and storage capacity, with the likes of Samsung, SK Hynix, and Micron spearheading the growth of this ...
Global data volume will reach about 180 zettabytes (where 1 ZB is 10 12 GB) by 2025. Finding economically viable storage solutions for such a massive amount of data is a major challenge.
Data centers house dense racks of servers containing processing, storage, and network equipment ... The world’s technology giants are the biggest corporate power purchase agreement (PPA) buyers ...
"When you've got the only copy, you want confidence that your storage system is reliable," says Ian Crawford. The amount of data needed for such long-term storage is growing all the time ...
Corporate data seems to be perceived as an ... probabilities of a breach Incurring greater than expected costs for data storage, backups, monitoring, data protections, and data discovery and ...
The magnetic hard drives we currently use to store computer data can take up lots of space. And they have to be replaced over time. Using life's preferred storage medium to back up our precious ...
Imagine flash storage that stores data in exactly the format used by applications. That’s what’s promised by key-value flash media, as envisaged by at least one big drive maker, some ...
The amount fell for smart grid companies. More capital is being invested in energy storage companies as corporate funding for these businesses increased by 117% to $15.4b in the first half (H1 ...