刚果民主共和国(RD Congo)总统上周没有按照原定计划,与到访金沙萨(Kinshasa)商议刚果(金)东部和平进程的欧盟新任大湖区特别代表举行会晤。他于上周末时宣布,继续与乌干达合作打击在其境内东部省份活动的反叛武装民主同盟军(ADF)。
But that calculation changed during Congo's 1997 civil war, when Congolaise Industrielle des Bois (CIB), the forestry company with logging rights in the neighboring Kabo concession, built a levee ...
Bavarian Nordic A/S, a fully integrated vaccine company with a mission to protect and save lives through innovative vaccines, announced an extended commitment to help fight the current mpox outbreak ...
Ligue Congolaise de Lutte contre la Corruption (LICOCO), the Transparency international chapter in the Democratic Republic of Congo, installed a mobile Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) /Centre ...