A long-awaited mission to Europa, an icy moon of Jupiter, is on track to launch in just a few weeks. (Story aired on All ...
NASA is weeks away from sending its Clipper orbiter on a journey to the Jupiter moon Europa, which scientists believe could ...
NASA managers have cleared the probe for launch next month as planned on a $5.2 billion mission to find out if a suspected sub-surface ocean on Jupiter's icy moon Europa is a habitable environment.
Scientists think that one of Saturn's moons may be hiding an ocean under its icy surface. They believe liquid water formed on Mimas - the planet's smallest and innermost moon - somewhere between ...
Under the ice freeze of Antarctica, the water normally remains around minus two degrees. This might sound cold, but compared ...
A lone sentinel shines in the southern sky this month, a bright steady beacon in a region of dim twinkling stars. Saturn, the ...
A new model that includes a stronger, progressively dirtier icy crust, frozen from an ancient ocean, may reconcile ... China’s second phase of clean air actions proved less effective than ...
Make sure you have any medication you need. Always carry a fully-charged mobile, a shovel to clear snow and some old bits of carpet, or cat litter, to put under the tyres if you get stuck.
Temperatures across south-east Australia have plummeted during the past 48 hours, leading to the coldest spring weather in ...
There have been many moments in my parenting life when I have been gripped with that icy terror that comes from being a whisker away from something going horribly ...