【导读】蛋白水解靶向嵌合体(PROteolysis TArgeting Chimeras, PROTACs)被认为是下一个重磅疗法。然而,由于其固有的局限性,PROTACs的疗效经常受到组织穿透能力有限以及其作用部位的细胞内化不足的影响。10月18日 ...
点击上方“Vaccine前研”,关注最新疫苗动态人偏肺病毒是一种常见的呼吸道病毒,属肺炎病毒科偏肺病毒属,2001年首次发现于荷兰,全球广泛分布,能够反复感染婴幼儿、老年人及免疫功能低下者,并引起急性呼吸道感染。目前,尚无有效的预防性疫苗批准上市。本 ...
引言肠道作为一个消化器官,其主要功能是消化和吸收食物营养。在这一过程中,无数的肠道共生微生物尤其是肠道细菌也发挥着不可或缺的作用。为了让肠道的共生微生物不对宿主构成危害,同时也为了应对食物中经常存在的致病微生物和毒素,肠道也演变成了人体最大的内分泌和 ...
点击蓝字关注我们“胜利者效应”(The winner ...
Female Balb/c mice (Charles River Wiga, Sulzfeld, Germany) 7 weeks old were injected three times intraperitoneally with 10 μg (except where indicated otherwise) purified IPM2HBc (homologous ...
10月15日,由中国实验动物学会、中国医学科学院实验动物研究所主办,北京工业大学附属中学十八里店分校承办,北京市科学技术协会、北京华阜康生物科技股份有限公司、北京莱艾特科技发展有限公司支持的主题为“科技科普志愿服务进校园零距离邂逅人类健康守护者——实 ...
Leukemia stem cells (LSCs) pose a significant challenge in treating acute myeloid leukemia (AML) due to their resistance to ...
The work presented will be of interest to cancer biologists and more broadly to those interested in NSCLC translational studies. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is the most common subtype of lung ...
Scientists at La Jolla Institute for Immunology (LJI) have developed six lines of humanized mice that can serve as valuable ...
Highly pathogenic type A avian influenza (HPAI) viruses have been affecting numerous wild and domestic avian species ...
This valuable study reports on a novel role of PD-1 in early T cell differentiation, showing that PD-1 stimulation impairs Th2 differentiation more effectively than that of Th1, with implications for ...